Friday 7 December 2012

HuTrust Research: New study out now. Banks just make trust threshold...

HuTrust News & Research: New study out now. Banks just make trust threshold...: New study shows Australian banks are barely trusted because of lack of trust in their vision and competence.

Banks globally are struggling with low customer trust. Now a new study, using a methodology to dimensionalise trust, uncovers what the bank’s trust is (not) made of. The methodology, HuTrust®, is globally the only psychologically sound, statistically robust and practically proven understanding of trust. HuTrust® analyses what the Big 4 banks in Australian are trusted for – and not.

More information can be found at above link and short executive summary can be downloaded here.

Using the most modern psychology we can help you better understand your consumer’s and customer’s needs and motivations and build trust with them. mext

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